Causes of performance impairment

- Contagious chronic diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases;
- Pathological changes in the reproductive system and prostate;
- psychological stress;
- Traumatic brain injuries and brain diseases;
- bad habits;
- blood circulation process in pelvic organs;
- hormonal imbalance;
- B vitamin deficiency;
- Negative or overly active lifestyle;
- Just like the body's reaction to medication.

- plants with medicinal properties;
- Creams and ointments made from natural ingredients;
- Some foods that can increase sexual desire;
- vitamins.
What are some folk remedies for treating erectile dysfunction?

- People have eaten walnuts and honey since ancient times, and they are still considered to be good medicine for strengthening the body. You need to grind the nuts and add them to the honey. Take the delicious medicine 3 times a day, after meals. Soon, the person will feel a surge in strength and an improved sense of well-being.
- Dried fruits are soaked in sweet syrup. Next, make jam from this mixture, which quickly improves libido and blood circulation, positively affects the reproductive system. The body is not used to this product, so it can be used regularly.
- Eating figs is healthy; you don't need to cook them.

- Dubrovnik grass. It is very easy to prepare a decoction from it; you will need 200 ml of water and 4 tsp. hay. Mix all ingredients, boil for 5 minutes, drink cold, 4 times a day, divide the glass into 4 portions. The herb contains beneficial elements, so this product helps in the treatment of prostatitis and inflammation.
- Hawthorn soup has the effect of strengthening the body and strengthening the foundation. Prepare in two stages, first pour cold water (3 cups) over the fruit (3 tablespoons), leave for 8-10 hours, then cook for 7 minutes until cooled. Drink a glass of this folk remedy 3 times a day.
- Add nasturtium seed powder to a cup of boiling water and let it sit for 2 hours. Then you need to filter it and the next day the product is ready to use. The course of treatment lasts for 2 weeks, and you drink half a cup in the morning and evening. The essential oils contained in the seeds improve blood circulation and male strength.
- Add 5 g of juniper bark to cold water (500 ml) and let it sit for 10-12 hours. Once the product is injected, it needs to be cooked, boiled and removed from the stove after 15 minutes. The strained broth should be divided into 3 portions and consumed within 1 day. The bark of this plant is rich in useful elements; the decoction treats inflammation and disinfects the bladder. Helps relax and relieve tension.

- Chop green parsley and cilantro. Add 2 seconds to glass. Lake mixture and add hot water and leave for 2 hours. Strain the soup and drink it before meals, divided into 3 times.
- Grind lovage root, 2 tsp. Add 500ml of water and the product can be kept for 14 days. For ideal results, you need to drink a dessert spoonful every night. Many people say this plant is a powerful aphrodisiac. It is also used to treat inflammatory diseases.
- Herbal blend of St. John's wort, nettle and peppermint. Add 5 teaspoons of each herb to a one-liter thermos and fill with hot water. Let it brew for 20 minutes. Then you need to filter it and drink a glass 3 times a day.
- To prepare the following remedy, you will need fresh aloe vera juice (150 g), rose hips (100 g) and parsley seed powder (30 g), add all this to a mixture of honey (250 g) and red wine (350 g)middle. ). Keep the mixture in a cool, dark place for two weeks, shaking every 2-3 days. Take one tablespoon of this medicine daily, 30 minutes before meals.
What plants are not suitable for men to grow?
important for men's health

- Proper nutrition. The diet should include vegetables, grains, meat (low-fat varieties), sea fish and vegetable oils.
- Break bad habits for good. Smoking and drinking alcohol can negatively affect the function of the endocrine system and prostate.
- Live an active lifestyle. Physical activity has a positive effect on blood circulation, especially in the pelvis and lower limbs. In order to keep the body in good condition, it is enough for men to actively walk for about 40 minutes every day.
- Traditional medicine is considered effective in treating and preventing male problems. To care for the body, baths with herbs, massages, essential oils and medicinal ingredients can be used. It is especially important to use this type of surgery as maintenance therapy in older men.
- Personal hygiene and clean underwear are equally important to a man's health. Failure to follow these simple rules may lead to inflammation of the urinary tract. If this problem is left untreated, the inflammation can quickly spread to the bladder, prostate, and kidneys. Therefore, men must keep their private parts clean. It is also useful to have a contrast shower at the end of a hygiene routine, which improves blood circulation and increases vascular tone.
- Prompt diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory and sexually transmitted diseases.
- Adequate sleep and the absence of stress have a positive impact on a man's emotional state, which is related to physiological state, hormonal levels and immunity. Being in negative emotions for a long time will also have a negative impact on men's physical strength, making the body prone to various diseases. Therefore, get enough rest every day, sleep for at least 8 hours, and have more contact with nature.