Faced with the difficulties of erection, difficulties in the intimate sphere, men go into a panic and they begin to take the pills powerful to improve the situation. There are other ways to strengthen the power of dealing with problems in the sexual life. They require a bit more time, but act in the most efficient way, because not only relieve the external symptoms but also to eliminate the causes of an unpleasant situation. The term power is derived from the Latin word "power". Below it is the ability of men to enter into sexual contact with a woman. This concept includes the strength of the sexual desire (libido), the possibility of occurrence of erection, the ability to satisfy both partners, the sex, the intensity and the quality of intimate life.

In the absence of overload, psychological and other negative factors, that is managed by an active lifestyle healthy, the man retains an interest in sexual contacts and the possibility of joining them until late in the age. For the most part of this area of life is extremely significant. In the modern world, with difficulties in the sexual sphere in front of not only the mature men, but also young people, young people of 25-30 years. Negative influence:
- a high level of daily stress and speed of life;
- bad habits;
- long hours of day mode;
- wrong, the bad food habits;
- psychological difficulties when communicating with the opposite sex.
Sexual impotence, difficulty with libido or erection many men are perceived as shameful, the fact is, weakness. Instead of a complete examination by a specialist to identify the root causes of what is happening, they begin to take a variety of drugs, widely available in the pharmaceutical market. Improve the power in this way is very difficult, because the host most of the drugs that erection occurs for the mechanism of libido has virtually no effect, solves each specific situation, but not the problem itself. To understand if how to increase the power, it is difficult, because the causes of impotence and other difficulties with the sex life of men too. Need a custom solution under the specific case. When you see the difficulty you must talk to specialists and pass a complete examination. Sometimes the loss of power is inner, of physiological nature:
- hormonal disorders or restructuring;
- circulatory disorders;
- the excess of weight;
- bad habits.
The physiology has not a significant influence on male potency. Many representatives of the stronger sex, they know that the emergence of a new partner or sketches of feelings in a long-term relationship with the woman that stimulate sexual desire in a natural way. In pairs, where the relations between husband and wife trust and warm, the atmosphere in the family, favorable, sexual contacts occur in 2-2,5 times more often than those of couples in dysfunctional. After the examination and to establish the causes of the weakening of the power in each individual case is developed from the relevant treatment plan. The drugs that the doctor prescribes only the identification of physiological disorders (urological inflammation, endocrine diseases, vascular disorders), the treatment of which is impossible without medical treatment.
After the analysis of the style of life of men, the specialist still gives advice for:
- power supply;
- the physical activity;
- the recovery of a healthy psychological background in a sexual relationship with my partner.
How to increase potency in men in a natural way
Professional urologist, endocrinologist or sexologist easily give you the answer to the question on how to improve the power without drugs and pills. For this it is necessary to improve the overall quality of the life of a man and resolve the health problems, bad habits and are overweight, start eating properly healthy food, of being away from the influence of stress, move more, and more often have sex with the woman you love. This approach to the issue helps to reinforce the sexual excitement, extend the total time of a sexual intercourse much better than special medications.
Normalization of the day
When the first signs of the weakening of the power is not worth starting the intake of tablets or the use of drugs local action. In many cases it is necessary to make lifestyle changes. A sedentary job, lack of mobility, low physical level, leading to a reduction in the total energy of the tone, stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, which leads to a rupture of the erectile function. Physical activity, abandon bad habits, the normalization of sleep, work and rest to increase the power is not fast, but effective. Regular classes furniture for sports (running, swimming, sport games) help to normalize the hormonal balance in the body, reduce the weight, improve the work of all systems of the body, relieve the tension of bulimia nervosa. To maintain the normal function of the nervous system is necessary to adhere to clear in day mode:

- eight hours of sleep a night;
- performing morning exercises;
- physical warm-up, during work breaks;
- normalized to the day;
- daily physical activity;
- walk in the open air before going to sleep.
The power gain without drugs and pills is subject to the mode of healthy nutrition. The diet must be present in a large number of vitamins (especially E), magnesium, zinc, foods with a high content of vegetable protein and animal, vegetable fats, fibers, carbohydrates. Dishes, preferably steamed or baked in the oven, it is better to give up fried foods. The following are excluded:
- fast-food restaurants;
- meats;
- alcoholic beverages and sweetened drinks.
Experts recommend that the next complex of movements:
- Walking on the buttocks. Sit on the floor, put your hands on your hips or thighs, legs bent at the knee. Lift the foot above the floor, and walk forward, moving the body weight from one buttock to the other, then back again. Do 10 forward and backward motions, the number of approaches – 5.
- "Bicycle" lying on his back. Lie on your back, raise your legs above the floor with an angle of 90°. Do a twisting motion from the knee, imitating the movement of the foot during running. Run for 2-3 minutes, gradually increase the running time.
- The pendulum. Spreads her legs to the width of the shoulders, and squats for the buttocks are on the same level with the knees. Run shaking movement of the pelvis forward and back. Start with 30-40 seconds, gradually increase the running time. Among the approaches suppose that the interval of 30-60 seconds, the number of approaches 3-5.
- The bridge of the command. Lying on your back, bend your knees bent at the elbows and hands behind your neck, press your palms on the floor. Straighten the arms and the legs, lift the body up from the floor and to rot in the back. Repost, in the upper position to the 10-25 seconds, go down again. The number of repetitions – 3-5.
- Squat. Perform 15-25 sit-up for the approach, gradually increasing the number of repetitions. The number of approaches 3-5.
- The "big step". Stand up, arms along the sides. Begins to march in place, bend the legs and pulling the knees towards the belly upwards. The running time is 2-3 minutes.
How to increase the power in the house
The improvement of the power in the house is possible with the use of measures of normalization in the style of a man's life:
- Help healthy eating, physical activity, regular exercise, sleep mode.
- Recommended regular sexual intercourse natural to maintain the level of the testosterone production and reducing stress daily.
- Exercises to improve the circulation with time will improve the quality and duration of erection without taking the pill and the use of drugs local action.
- Effective folk remedies to improve power.
Increase potency in men after 50
The weakening of sexual power in men in adulthood is a natural process, related to hormonal changes in the body, reducing the total energy of the tone, the deterioration of the general state of health. To improve the situation, it is particularly important to observe a healthy lifestyle:

- leave the bad habits (alcohol, tobacco);
- eat properly;
- avoid stress;
- relax properly;
- move more.
It is necessary to keep stable the number of sexual contacts, and possibly not so much to reduce his, because the regular sexual life will increase the intensity of the production of testosterone. Men over the age of are recommended the so-called contrast baths to improve the flow of blood to the pelvis and urinary tract organs. Take 2 of the basin fill in a hot and the other cold. Sitting in each alternately to the 30-50 seconds. Improvement of the power popular men and a half, perhaps, in the context of measures to stabilize the body. The medicinal plants have the ability to increase the male force, increase the level of testosterone, to restore the mechanism of svoevremenno advance full erection, to extend the duration of sexual contact. Before resorting to the methods of traditional medicine, check the information on contraindications and side effects. Effective the following tools:
- Decoction of medicinal herbs. Take 2 tablespoons of dried nettle, flowers of st. john's wort and chamomile. Pour the boiling water and keep in flame for 2-3 minutes, stirring regularly and not allowing the infusion to boil. Let cool, filter. Take before each meal 1 teaspoon in the course of the month.
- Extract of ginseng. You can buy the dye at any pharmacy. Take each day in the morning, a teaspoon before meals with a glass of water for 6-8 weeks.
- Alcohol tincture of ginger root. 200 ml of alcohol need 50 mg of dried root. Rub raw root on a cheese grater, medium (150-200 g), dry in the oven. Pour the alcohol (or quality vodka), insist 16-20 days at room temperature. Drink a teaspoon before each meal, with a glass of water, for about 2-3 months.
- Syrup made from dried fruits and spices. Chop and mix with 60 g dried apricots, plums and raisins 1 tablespoon of caster sugar, a pinch of cinnamon, cloves, cardamom. Pour 300 g of semi-sweet red wine, keep over a slow fire, stirring regularly, for about an hour. Take three times a day for 3 weeks, a lifetime dose of 1 tablespoon. l.
Different ways to increase the power men folk remedies
We analyze 32 effective ways to increase the power folk remedies for 3 days or more representatives of the stronger sex.
That useful
Honey with walnuts

- Both components take in equal proportions and well mixed, nuts, pre-need grind.
- The compost used was equal to 2 teaspoons after a meal, milk, morning and evening.
In addition to the fact that:
- this mixture gives those vitamins that you need to take in kind all during the day.
- contribute to develop the male hormones.
Pomegranate juice
If drinking pomegranate juice for about a month, every day, you will feel the effect.
Even if the would be drunk during the day.
He is good, that improves the circulation of blood and therefore accelerates the swelling of the organ.
Then the pomegranate juice is an excellent folk remedy to increase potency in men without side effects.
- Turnip is useful to combat erectile dysfunction. This vegetable, eat it as fresh and welding in the water.
- Cook in milk, which only increase the effect.
- You can and mix the vegetables with the other, making a salad. For example, the salad of carrots and turnips.
Carrot juice
- You can drink half a cup three times daily after a meal.
- The carrots in and of itself improves the blood circulation and the flow of blood to the pelvis, increases to combat the functioning of male organ.
Infused with rowan berries, rose hips and leaves of gooseberry
We analyze the following method for the preparation of dyes to increase the power folk remedies in the house for men.
- Take the berries of the mountain ash in the number of 150 grams, rosehips 50 grams of leaves and gooseberries, and also in the amount of 50 grams. All washed and pour a liter of water.
- They start to boil. At the first boil, keep on a low fire for 20 minutes.
- Cool. Now you can drink 3 times per day in a volume of 200 ml at a time.
Banana and yogurt
How did this mix:
- Take half a banana and put it in a cup, where it is crushed up to a dense mass.
- Pour a cup with a mass of yogurt, add sugar to taste and all mix well until complete dissolution.
- Delicious and useful drink after meals or before training.
- Instead, the yogurt can be used varenets or sour cream.

Pro blend
- In addition to the fact that in and of itself banana helps to increase the duration of coitus, and improves the strength of the male. We have already written to increase the resistance to bed with good techniques for this.
- And dairy products improve the chance to reproduce, and the performance of the seed.
- Together they give a greater effect, and the mixture is considered to be among the men folk remedy to increase the power in a hurry.
Some of the fruits of the sea
- Squid;
- Cancers;
- Mussels and oysters;
- Mackerel;
- Rapana.
All these fruits of the sea are considered to be aphrodisiacs and to increase the activity in the bed.
Stewed or baked tomatoes
Better to eat the vegetables after the heat treatment.
That is, it is better to let them simmer or bake.
In this way are stronger, and enhance the function of the sex glands.
Tomatoes are also added to the pizza or pasta.
These methods allow people to enhance their sexuality and increase libido. Remember that the relationship with a woman are not always constructed on the basis of sex. Pay attention to long-sharing pastime in a quiet area, a comfortable environment. This will help you to know better the inner world of a partner.